How to create a package to combine related objects (procedures, functions) Few steps as simple as this:
Requirement: We wrote two objects - a procedure and function. Stored Procedure - bonus_calculation - let us add little complexity to the requirement - if the department_id is 30 then add 3 percent to bonus. function - find_department
Let us combine these two into a package called bonus_utility
Package called bonus utility:
First let us create Package Specification also called package spec:
CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE HR.bonus_utility AS PROCEDURE bonus_calculation (parm_bonus NUMBER); FUNCTION find_department(parm_employee_id IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER; END bonus_utility;
Compile the above code in PL/SQL window and package specification will be created in the database.
Now let us create package body bonus_utility:
CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY HR.bonus_utility AS PROCEDURE bonus_calculation (parm_bonus NUMBER) IS local_variable_bonus NUMBER;BEGIN FOR cur_rec IN ( SELECT e.last_name||' '||e.first_name employee_name, e.job_id employee_job, e.salary employee_salary, e.department_id employee_department FROM employees e ORDER BY department_id ) LOOP IF cur_rec.employee_department = 30 THENlocal_variable_bonus := ((cur_rec.employee_salary * (parm_bonus + 3)) /100); ELSElocal_variable_bonus := ((cur_rec.employee_salary * parm_bonus) /100); END IF;dbms_output.put_line (cur_rec.employee_name||' employed in '||cur_rec.employee_department||', employed as '|| cur_rec.employee_job ||' has bonus of '||local_variable_bonus);local_variable_bonus := 0; END LOOP;EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THENdbms_output.put_line (SQLERRM);END;
FUNCTION find_department(parm_employee_id IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER IS local_dept_id NUMBER;BEGIN SELECT department_id INTO local_dept_id FROM employees WHERE employee_id = parm_employee_id;dbms_output.put_line ('Department id for '||parm_employee_id||' is '|| local_dept_id); RETURN(local_dept_id);EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THENdbms_output.put_line (SQLERRM);local_dept_id := 0; RETURN(local_dept_id);END; END bonus_utility;
Compile the above code in PL/SQL window and package body will be created in the database.
Execute this package.procedure (bonus_utility.bonus_calculation with the bonus parameter and the results will be displayed. if the department id is 3, then additional 3% will be added in the results.
That's how a package is created.